Outdated buying guides gaining large amounts of website landing traffic but not converting or assisting customers in finding relevant information to products they are researching.
One major issue is the mobile journey, considering how customers research is now conducted on the fly on a mobile phone a friendly user journey through these guides are essential to improving the customers experience.
Previous Buying Guide
The old buying guides did not feature any imagery. When displaying information in this manner the customer is met with a wall of text which doesn’t assist them in their purchase journey.
One key missing item from this page was no links to any products or product list pages making this page information but not offering the customer the ability to continue their journey.
Fixing User Flow
At first we checked pages for any useful content and found that the information was correct and the SEO had the desired effect we were looking for.
We start with a simple user flow diagram, the old flow had links hidden within paragraphs that were not underlined or supported with any imagery reducing any chance of customers clicking on the relevant information displayed.
The new flow was what we want the customer to be doing, finding the relevant research on the products they are looking for with an easy way to then view such products. By adding in imagery and some basic common interaction design to product links in paragraphs this brings the relevant information to the customer with an immediate guide to purchase the product or see a list of products.
As the new buying guides have become filled with more content they can become increasingly difficult to navigate, we tackled this with a ‘jump to’ section that has been placed at the top of the pages for an instant page anchor system, a back to top button appears on scroll up as well.
Side scrolling gallery style cards are a future implementation of this design style as users expect certain image behaviour when it comes to images. The information helps to clarify exactly what the customer is looking for then offer them direct navigation to a product page or product list page depending on the content.
New Buying Guide Page
The fully responsive content system can scale to any amount of information needed in any buying guide.
Prioritising images and linking to products allows for customers to purchase through these journeys.
The new updated design suit the website providing customers with clear confidence in their purchase decisions.